Monday, August 14, 2006

Hezbollah Militia/Party, Hamas Terrorist Organization/Party, and Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Militia/Party

OK, is there anyone else out there that’s gotten the impression that there’s a change going on in the Middle East and nobody in Washington, or the media, has picked up on it?

Are you and I the only people who have figured out that these terrorist murdering morons have decided to play our game, with their rules, and try to legitimize themselves by proclaiming they are a political party as Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories, and Iraq strive to democratize? And, are we the only people who’ve figured out that it’s irrelevant what these groups proclaim -- or what worthless politicians and leaders in countries like France think -- about our desire to crush these organizations like the verminous insects they are?

I am sick of hearing how we made our bed and now we have to lie in it. That since these organizations have participated in elections, that this means they are legitimate political parties in true democracies. What a bunch of twaddle.

These organizations need to be identified, smoked out, and annihilated in a manner in line with what should happen to pathological, murdering, sociopaths. Only doing this will allow for peace in the Middle East, Iraq, and Iran.

And we need to do likewise in Syria and Iran if they don’t fall in line rapidly.

Before it’s too late.


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