Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Great Charade

The liberal elite news media in the US would have you think that everyone in the world hates us because of our politics and our substantial threat of the use of our armed forces to further our foreign policy. They freely allow foreign political experts to spout their rhetoric. The problem with this is that they treat them like oracles – people whose feet one must sit at and raptly listen. Listen to them as if they were the source of all knowledge in the universe.

This is a huge liberal elite media charade. And you are the victim.

These foreign political pundits say things like, “America’s reputation around the world has suffered because of Iraq.”

“Iraq was invaded for their oil.”

“America got a result in Lebanon though its puppet Israel, but not the result it expected.”

Or, “America needs to listen and understand the angry, young, militant, disenfranchised Muslim youth around the world and understand the root cause of their anger.”

All of this is absolute baloney. It’s their feelings, not fact.

The last one is my personal favorite. I saw and heard it on a Sunday morning talk political news show on the BBC while in London a few weeks ago. There were about 8 people in the conversation circle, but only one conservative. When the Muslim university professor who said this was questioned by the conservative, she refused to answer his questions. He then asked several questions about her credentials and the soundness of her research. It appeared that both her credentials and research had been questioned by other members of the press and by the educational system in the UK. She refused to talk about this, using the typical liberal excuse: “I’m not going to stoop to the level of justifying my credentials or research. We’re here to talk about the grave problems facing the world. I refuse to get into this kind of discussion.”

Oh, OK. I get it. You’re a fake and a farce, and thus you’re not going to talk about that, because it would unveil you for what you are. A fake and a farce.


My response to this stance that I need to understand these Muslim youth is simply: NO I DON’T. They are uncivilized trouble-makers who act out anti-socially and in a bigoted manner. They don’t need to be understood. They need to be identified, arrested, charged, tried, and jailed. It’s really that simple. This is so silly. If I walk into a bar with a concealed automatic weapon, get into an argument with another patron, and shoot the place up, murdering many, I get thrown in jail for life, or lose my life in death penalty states. I don’t get to claim that I was disenfranchised, angry, or whatever. Why is it any different for Islamic fundamentalist terrorists who use even larger weapons than automatic firearms?

What people in the US need to understand is that politics, worldwide, is all the same. In this high-speed, information-driven world we live in, political parties and movements have solidified a strong base and there are very, very few voters whose minds can be changed. They are those swing voters who sit in the middle, between two competing interests. The way the political machines woo these voters is through the use of hyperbole, exaggeration, fear, uncertainty, and doubt. The idea being to sway these voters to their side by shock.

The reality is, and I’m sitting in Italy having these conversations every day with Italian citizens, in their native language, right now, is that they’re just as divided as we are on the fight against terror. While the political system in Italy is more fractured than ours, has more parties, there are really three camps here. Those who support the war, those that don’t, and those who aren’t sure what they think about it. And, I would say the numbers are roughly the same as ours in terms of percentages of each group.

So, all this noise about how we’re hated, how we’re hated because we throw our weight around, is just that – noise.

The liberal media selectively shows us news stories from overseas that paint the picture they want to paint to justify their politics. By watching them, you’d think Jacques Chirac was a force in world politics. Let me tell you, most Brits think he’s a moron, and almost all Italians think he’s ignorant. You won’t see that picture painted on CNN, MSNBC, or in the NY Times.

Hmmm, wonder why?

That’s a lie. No I don’t wonder why: I know.

So do you. It’s all part of the great charade. Don’t get caught up in their game. Make up your own mind, with information from many sources. Including your own eyes and ears when you travel overseas.


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