Thursday, August 17, 2006

Why We Shouldn’t Bend to Insane World Opinion

Tony Blankley is surely a bright guy but his August 2, 2006 article titled, “We Shouldn't Ignore World Opinion” isn’t his best work.



… for the article.

His contention is that we need to, and these are his words, “manipulate” and use “propaganda” to our benefit in shaping world opinion of the US and our policies, especially those that are foreign.

I feel Tony’s spent a lot too much time manipulating and propagandizing for his own good. I guess working for a guy like Newt Gingrich, who I feel is a great politician, can do that to you. Let’s face it, almost 100% of politicians feel they need to manipulate and use propaganda to win election and stay in office.


At some point, someone or some country needs to stand up and say that enough is enough. Make that lots of someones and lots of countries.

Our interconnected world is now ripe for such a change. Let’s face it, it’s much harder to be a liar in the world today and not get caught than it was before the age of faxes (ask the ex-Soviet Union) and the Internet (you’ll be asking Communist China soon, if companies like Google don’t keep bending to the Communist regime’s censorship policies).

The deal is that there are some things that are just plainly and clearly wrong, and some things that are just plainly and clearly right. And it’s about time people start talking about this and reset the world’s moral compass. Most of these matters are really not open for discussion, even though the liberal, elite, “blame America first” mentality of the world’s media would like you to think so. They are insane morons. Period.

There is no debate possible around Hezbollah and the world’s opinion regarding what Israel has done over the past month or so. None. Not of any consequence anyway.

There is also no debate that one can have about the UN’s effectiveness. It has none. Zip. Zilch. Zero. On top of this, for the most part it’s a corrupt, anti-Semitic, club of blowhard “dignitaries” from countries that wouldn’t even be good raw material for toilet paper let alone a body to regulate fairness and civil rights around the world. Give me a break. I love the way John Bolton has handled these snakes. No bloviating. No bombastic speeches. He just refuses to agree with the morons, calls a spade a spade, and agrees to disagree – regardless of “world opinion”. And his new "acceptance" by the Democrats proves my point. They are scared that common sense will win out over manipulation and propaganda (hey, it ALWAYS does!), and they'll be left holding the bag ... the bag they don't want to be holding.

There is also no debate that can be had on democracy. It’s the fairest form of government out there, and it’s possible for every culture to adopt. The problem is that the snakes of the world’s political elite wouldn’t be so elite if their countries embraced democracy vigorously. If Iran were a democracy, is there any chance at all that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be President? If Saudi Arabia were a democracy, is there any question that the Saudi Royal Family would be history? China? Venezuela? The Palestinian Territories?

And please don’t give me the standard, “But Jimmy Carter and the UN verified that they held fair and free elections!” What garbage. Jimmy Carter has done a marvelous job reinventing himself and rewriting history. He was, without a doubt, one of our worst US Presidents ever. We are still paying for his foreign policy debacles. Still!

And this is the same guy that questioned US election fairness citing issues with thousands of votes in one state rather than millions of votes in entire nations.

It’s time for more John Boltons in our world. Or, if you like, more Ronald Reagans in our world. That was a guy who told it like it was. And, George Bush is pretty good at this as well. It’s the reason his poll numbers are so low. People are so used to hearing what they want to hear based on the pollsters and political consultants’ recommendations to politicians that they’ve forgotten that it’s really all about right and wrong, good versus bad, and fairness versus a stacked deck.

That’s what happens when everyone worries more about opinion than facing the real facts.

Tony Blankley is simply wrong.


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