Friday, August 18, 2006

Men in Bali Blast Get Sentences Reduced

Men in Bali Blast Get Sentences Reduced is the title of a recent story on I was shocked to read its contents, and surprised (ahh, no I wasn’t) to see that CNN and MSNBC weren’t running the story. The Fox story includes this:

“Those who will benefit from Thursday's sentence reductions played relatively minor roles in the suicide bombings — from carrying out robberies to financing the attacks to helping shelter the main suspects.”

Huh? “Relatively minor roles”? Unbelievable! These guys conspired and worked together to KILL people based on a (supposed) religious zealism – Muslim Extremism. They ALL deserve the death penalty if one deserves the death penalty.

I would say, based on this, that we should call for the minimum of a boycott on travel to Bali and the rest of Indonesia. I would also support travel restrictions where the government forbids travel to Indonesia. Just like Cuba. These people need to be hit where they feel pain: in the pocketbook.


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