Sunday, August 20, 2006

It’s Time for Profiling

Let’s face it, after the recent arrests in Great Britain of British nationals who were plotting a Muslim Extremist bombing of multiple airliners and those in Canada of people with similar desires to harm innocent civilians, we need to get as serious as possible, as rapidly as possible, about detecting and snuffing out any type of terrorist activity anywhere.

This being said, we thus need to implement, as fast as possible, a traveler profiling system. One that is as sophisticated as possible with today’s technology.

The ACLU can go take a long walk off a short pier with their arguments about how this type of anti-terrorist tool would infringe upon the rights and privacy of US citizens, and foreigners who travel within the US. If you don’t like it, don’t travel. It’s that simple. The ACLU has become nothing more than a pawn of the extreme left in America. Like the UN internationally, they’ve lost all credibility with the American public nationally … but for the extreme left wing.

As well, the information released about the participation of Asim Tariq, a security-cleared worker for India's Jet Airways at Heathrow Airport, leads me to suggest another common-sense policy that needs to be put in place. We need to make sure that no security employees of Arab/Persian descent, especially those that have overzealous Islamic beliefs, have this kind of clearance. Yes, I know this statement sounds unfair, and perhaps downright discriminatory, but how else do we ensure safety of all people flying or traveling? I can’t see any other way. This is such a gaping hole in airport and other transport security, but political correctness makes it anathema to even suggest. Anything short of this puts the entire traveling public at risk, because nobody anywhere can predict or identify where all the walking breathing “ticking time bombs” are located. Any suggestion that it’s acceptable to expect some murders as the cost of protecting privacy and civil rights is absurd, and that’s what the ACLU and other left wing organizations will argue.

How do we implement such a policy? I’m not sure. I am sure that there are better, stronger, and quicker minds than mine that could come up with a fair approach to this policy. I’m just a simple guy from the mid-west who is fed up with the foolishness and insanity in our world today. Some control would need to be put in place to assure that people eliminated from the pool to work with security clearance are not discriminated against when competing for other positions at companies like Jet Airways. This is a tough nut to crack, but this is no excuse for not doing this.

I know that this is not an extremely palatable solution. If you can think of one (or more) that is (that are) better, please let me know. I’m all ears (and eyes) and will publish all reasonable suggestions here.


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