Wednesday, August 23, 2006

OF INTEREST: Percent, by country, of Muslim “Disfavor” of Jews

In doing research for a past blog posting, I discovered this report done by the PewResearchCenter:


It’s a lengthy expose (at least I’ll call it that) of what the Muslim population in the world thinks of itself and others, and vice versa. There are lots of great statistics, and it makes for great reading. I would highly recommend everyone in the world read it and consider it.

One of the most interesting aspects of it is that it clearly shows that Muslim countries are bigoted against the Jews of the world. The statistics are so clear, yet guys like Koffe Annan will back their ignorance and bigotry until his corpse is being consumed by worms.

Here are the statistics, from the report, on this specific topic, summarized neatly:

Essentially, predominantly Muslim countries have a stunning majority of their population that view Jews “unfavorably”. The numbers are staggering. Jordan: 100%; Lebanon: 99%; Indonesia: 76%. And this study was done before Israel’s recent incursions into Lebanon!

From UNESCO, here are the projected illiteracy rates in 2005, based on 2002 actual statistics, for a group of Islamic countries:

I would contend that pure ignorance is a high contributor to the “Jew Hater” issue.

If you look at the percentage of females that are illiterate in these countries, you see another, and perhaps graver, problem:

I’m going to go out on a limb here, and be chastised for stereotyping, but educated females, in my opinion, KNOW that violence and hatred is simply wrong, no matter who they are, no matter what their religion, no matter what their race. They have a genetic wiring, perhaps an innate drive to protect offspring, which makes them more likely to seek consensus and compromise rather than conflagration and violence.


Combine a relatively illiterate population in general, and then magnify that with a very highly illiterate female population due to the discriminatory and repressive bias against women of male-dominated Fundamentalist Islamic fascist countries (and organizations within those countries) , and you get a very, very caustic brew.


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