Monday, August 21, 2006

Trevor Brooks … errr … I mean Omar Brooks … err … I mean Abu Izzadeen

If you want to identify a prime example of how the Islamic Extremist movement has attracted psychologically and morally corrupt morons, who use faith as an excuse to kill and injure, or preach the religion of violence, you have need to look no further than Trevor Brooks. Brooks is a convert to Islam, a British citizen whose family was originally from Jamaica. Born and raised in the UK, Brooks converted to Islam at 17, following the lead of his older brother. He’s the lunatic who cracked jokes just before the first anniversary of the London Subway bombings, at which time he also laughed at the victims of 9/11. He’s openly shared his desire to die as a suicide bomber.

I watched this moron in an interview on either BBC International or CNN International this past week. Sorry, I can’t remember which channel aired the interview. I could find no record of it on either company’s web site, but may have overlooked it.

If you have any doubt about what the Islamic Fascist movement is all about, and who’s participating in leading it, you need to track down interviews with this guy and read them, watch them, or listen to them. If I can find any links to same, I will post them here. I you find any, please send them to me and I will post them here.

Essentially, this dope wants to act as if his ancestors have been wronged for being Muslim, which they weren’t, and he claims that the Muslim world is, “… fed up and not going to take it any more.” I guess changing his name a few times allows him to do this?

During the interview, in which he was incredibly arrogant and condescending, he claims that, “… we live for God, you live for the devil.” This is in response to the interviewer’s questions about killing in the name of Islam. This joker also talks about “self defense”. I’ve got a question for the guy, what in the world has anyone done to him to prevent him from practicing his chosen religion? I think I know the answer: NOTHING.

He also said he thinks it would be OK if someone assasinated Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Brooks is a shining example of a guy who’s a wacko that uses religion, in this case Islam, as an excuse for antisocial, psycho-pathological, and/or socio-pathological behavior. As well, this moron calls himself a “cleric” and preaches his hatred to impressionable youth. He’s dangerous because he’s launching, perhaps, innumerable replicas … clones as it were … to fuel his religion of hate and terror.

I happen to feel he’s all talk and no walk. He’s just a bully that needs to have his bluff called. In Birmingham, where he gave his speech around the anniversary of the subway bombings, my guess is that there are quite a few rough characters in the neighborhood that might like to do the job. I bet he snuck out of town under cover of darkness, and has some protection around him at all times now, because there are plenty of solid citizens in Britain that would like to see him muzzled ... and for good reason.


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